The QUAD-ZMU is a fully monitored interface module which is used to connect up to four individually addressed zones of current limited conventional detection devices to the Global Fire Addressable control panel via the detection loop.
The module requires an external 24V DC power supply. Active End of Line Monitoring with BS5839 Detector Removal compliance when Diode bases are used.
The detection Zones and their supply voltage are optically isolated from the addressable detection loop which allows the use of a local power supply. If that supply fails, a fault condition is reported at the control panel. The status of each zone is indicated by two LEDs. A red LED signals Fire, Yellow indicates Fault on that zone. The normal state is indicated by neither LEDs being illuminated. A Green LED indicates the presence of 24 Volts. Irrespective of how many Zones are actually used, each QUAD-ZMU occupies four consecutive addresses on the loop.